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3 Reasons Creativity is Important in Social Media Marketing

3 Reasons Creativity is Important in Social Media Marketing

You Make an Impact 

In today’s technologically driven world, people dart between platforms and media while expecting a seamless experience. One of the easiest ways to measure the impact of your marketing strategy is to determine how long your audience dwells on your campaign. The more time they spend engaging with an ad for your product or service, the more likely they are to purchase it. By creatively furnishing your ad with interesting and strategic elements, you’ll increase the likelihood of “dwelling”.


You Offer Relevant User Experience

The success of an ad is also dependent on its ability to reach its target audience. The popular tactic lately is to target ads based on demographics. Creativity is critical in creating an ad that will offer a relevant user experience. It’s not just about making sure the right people see your ad, it’s making sure that it’s creative and relevant enough to convince them to buy your product. 


You Create a Better Marketing Strategy 

Creativity helps you craft a better marketing strategy because it shows you what encourages customer engagement. By using insights provided by analytics, you can tailor your marketing according to the different groups that make up your audience.


Concept Your Kitchen (CYK Hospitalities) curates a successful marketing strategy in combination with its creativity and experience. Technology will continue to develop at a rapid pace, which means that thinking out of the box will help your marketing stay relevant and up to date, and CYK Hospitalities offer such personalized & efficient solutions.


To enquire, call us at  +91 9711752015 or mail us at [email protected]

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