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Wholesome Jowar Banana Crepes: A Nutrient-Packed Delight

jowar banana crepe

Wholesome Jowar Banana Crepes: A Nutrient-Packed Delight

In the realm of nutrition-conscious culinary wonders, Jowar Banana Crepes stand as a testament to the fusion of health and taste. Combining the goodness of jowar (sorghum), the natural sweetness of ripe banana, and a touch of vanilla essence, this recipe from the kitchen enchantments of balanced indulgence. Let’s delve into the recipe that’s here to redefine your breakfast or snack time.


  • 150 gm jowar
  • 20 gm sugar
  • 1 ripe banana
  • Pinch of salt
  • 30-40 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 10 ml vanilla essence
  • Honey (according to serving)
  • Butter (for greasing the pan)


  1. Begin by whisking together the egg, vanilla essence, and sugar in a bowl until the sugar dissolves entirely.
  2. In a separate bowl, use a fork to mash the ripe banana. Add this to the egg mixture and whisk until the mixture is smooth, ensuring there are no lumps. Gradually incorporate milk to achieve the desired consistency.
  3. Sift the jowar and salt into the mixture and blend well until the batter is impeccably smooth without any lumps.
  4. On a flat pan, brush a bit of melted butter and heat it over a slow flame.
  5. Pour one ladle of the crepe mixture onto the pan, gently swirling it to cover the surface evenly.
  6. Cook on a slow flame until the crepe gains a beautiful golden hue, then flip it over and cook the other side likewise.
  7. To serve, place the crepe on a plate, drizzle some honey over the top, and garnish with freshly sliced banana.

Why Jowar Banana Crepes?

The recipe ingeniously incorporates jowar, a gluten-free whole grain that’s rich in fiber, iron, and essential vitamins. The natural sugars from ripe banana not only add sweetness but also enhance the nutritional value. Additionally, the inclusion of milk, egg, and vanilla essence creates a delightful balance of flavors that’s both comforting and satisfying.

Whether you’re seeking a nourishing breakfast or a guilt-free dessert, these Jowar Banana Crepes offer a deliciously healthy solution. This recipe transforms your everyday ingredients into a wholesome masterpiece, perfect for those looking to indulge their taste buds without compromising their wellness journey. So, the next time you’re yearning for a delightful treat, remember that the fusion of jowar and banana can take your culinary adventures to new heights. Enjoy a plateful of goodness that’s designed to nourish both your body and your soul.

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